CSCI2720:Data Structures                               Fall 2008


The design, analysis, implementation, and evaluation of the fundamental
structures for representing and manipulating data: lists, arrays, trees,
heaps, graphs, and their memory management.


-> Midterm Exam 1: 20%
-> Midterm Exam 2: 20%
-> Final Exam: 40%
-> Programming Assignments/Projects: 20%

TOPICAL OUTLINE (subject to slight change):
-> Introduction, Evaluation and Analysis of Algorithms
-> Array Mapping Functions (AMFs) and Addressing Functions
-> Sorting Algorithms (Quick Sort, Merge Sort, ...) and Applications
-> Search Methods and their Importance in Widely Used Applications
-> Tree Operations
-> Binary Search and Binary Search Trees
-> AVL Tree Data Structures
-> B-Tree Data Structures and Variations
-> 2-3 Trees and 2-3-4 Trees
-> Applications of Lists/Queues/Stacks
-> Composite Structures
-> Hashing Techniques
-> Heap Data Structure
-> Efficient Implementation of Priority Queues
-> Quad Trees, Oct Trees, and Variations (Pyramidal Data Structures)
-> Graphs and Applications
-> Applications in Memory Management, Disk Scheduling, Compression, ...
-> Data Structures and Distributed Processing (time permitting)


  Update September, 2008