CSX070 -- Spring 2008 Introduction to Game Programming

Course meets M 2:30pm GSRC 208, TTh 2:00pm GSRC 303

Instructor: Dr. Jeff W. Smith

Office: 416 Boyd GSRC

Office hours: M 3:30pm, WF 10am, or by appt, email: jws@cs.uga.edu

Teaching Assistant: Kartheek Atluri email: atluri@cs.uga.edu

Office: GSRC 301

Office hours: W 12:30-1:30pm

Teaching Assistant: Anousha Mesbah email: anousha@uga.edu

Office: GSRC 301A.

Office hours: F 10:00-11:00 A.M

Course E-mail address: csx070@cs.uga.edu

Course Web Address: www.cs.uga.edu/~csx070

Academic Honesty Policy

Overview & Schedule:

Monitor this page to find out the Assignments & how to submit computer assignments

Monitor this link to find out about the Final Exam


Required Text: No book required (so far), but there will be readings from such sources as

Here are some example games that are similar to the game of Projects 1-5:

Here are some example games that are similar to the game of Projects A-?:

Here are some sites of general interest (just a click away!):

After the basics, you might be interested in these topics:

Today's Quote:


"Education is what remains after everything you've learned has been forgotten." --B. F. Skinner