Database Systems: An Application-Oriented Approach, Complete Version, 2/E,
Kifer, Bernstein and Lewis, 2006.
[recommended for 4370, 6370 and 8370]Database Systems: An Application-Oriented Approach, Introductory Version, 2/E,
Kifer, Bernstein and Lewis, 2005.
[lower cost alternative for first course]
(first 12 chapters almost identical, but has less material on B+Trees)
Day Period Tuesday 12:30 - 1:45 Wednesday 12:20 - 1:10 Thursday 12:30 - 1:45
A comprehensive course on the use and implementation of Database Management Systems (DBMSs).
Chapters 1 - 6, 8 - 11.
20% Exam I 9/11 20% Exam II - 25% Final Exam - 30% Programs (groups of 3) [ languages: Java SE 6u10, Groovy 1.5.6, Oracle 10g Express, MySQL 5.1, PostgreSQL 8.3.3 ] 5% Homework/Tool Talks [presentation]
No. Chapters Questions Due 1. Ch. 2 (1) 2.1; (2) 2.11; (3) FMS vs. DBMS 8/20 2. Ch. 3 (4) 3.3; (5) 3.4; (6) 3.5 8/27 3. Ch. 5 (7) 5.1; (8) 5.10 a-b (Relational Algebra only); (9) 5.18 9/3 4. Ch. 5, 9 (10) 5.10 c-e (Relational Algebra only); (11) 9.1 9/24 5. Ch. 9 (12) 9.7 (B+Trees); (13) 9.7 (Linear Hashing); (14) 9.7 (Extendable Hashing) 10/1 6. Ch. 10 (15) 10.8; (16) 10.11 - 7. Ch. 10-11 (17) 10.13; (18) 11.5 - 8. Ch. 3 (19) 3.9 - 9. Ch. 5 (20) 5.10 (SQL only); (21) 5.17 - 10. Ch. 5 (22) 5.20; (23) 5.21 - 11. Ch. 4 (24) 4.3; (25) 4.7 - 12. Ch. 6 (26) 6.19; (27) 6.20 -
No. Topic Description Talk Due 1. Oracle A leading Object-Relational Database Management System . 9/2 2. MySQL An open source Relational Database Management System slides 9/16 3. PostgreSQL Advanced Object-Relational DBMS . 10/2 4. ext4 Extended File System 4 (Linux) . 10/9 5. JDBC A Java API for accessing relational databases . 10/16 6. ORM Object-Relational Mapping . 10/23 7. Comparison Web Application Frameworks . 10/30 8. AJAX Rich Internet Applications . 11/6
No. Description Starter Code Comment Due 1. RA Operators: Select, Project, Union, Minus Table.groovy , Store tuples in an List 9/9 2. Performance Evaluation of Selection Algorithms . Table Scan and Indexed Selections 10/7 3. Performance Evaluation of Join Algorithms . Nested-Loop, Index, Sort-Merge and Hash Joins 10/21 4. Performance Tuning of SQL Queries . Oracle , MySQL , PostgreSQL (present performance results for projects 2, 3 and 4) 10/28 5. Term Project . One page proposal must be approved before implementation .