Course ID:  CSCI 1301
Instructor:  Ellen Lether
Semester:  Spring 2003

1.  Principal course assignments:

There is a course website with which you are expected to become familiar.  Check it often.  It will have links to specific reading assignments, programming assignments, lab assignments, exam dates, and any special notices, in addition to the course syllabus.  Text reading assignments  for the upcoming week will be posted online at the end of every week.   There will be a new programming projects approximately once every week and a half.  (A new assignment will be posted when the previous one is due.)  Lab assignments for the upcoming week will be online at the end of the previous week.  There will be two new lab assignments most weeks.  Exam review topics and specifics about the form of the exam will be available approximately one week before the scheduled exam.  The first exam will be held approximately the 7th week of the semester, and the second exam in approximately the 12th week.

It is extremely important that you keep up with the material.  Do the reading assignments in advance of attending lecture.  Start programming assignments early.  Study the lab material prior to arrival at lab.  In the text, work as many of the "Self Review Questions" and "exercises" at the ends of the chapters as you feel are necessary for your mastery of the material.

2.  Specific course requirements for grading purposes:

Exams:  There will be two in class, written exams and a written final. 

Programming assignments:   Approximately ten programs.  Programs are due at the beginning of the lecture on the day they are due. A 10 percent penalty will be assessed for each weekday the assignment is late.

Lab assignments:  There will be approximately 25 lab projects.  You should study the upcoming lab assignment before you go to that particular lab.  This should enable you to complete the lab during the scheduled time.  A lab assignment will be checked off as complete only when it is correct. The current week's assignment(s) may be checked off by your lab instructor, in lab, during the week it is assigned or at the beginning of the following week's FIRST lab. After that time, it will not be accepted. You may miss one lab assignment without penalty.  There will be no lab grades over 100%

3.  Grading policy:

Grades will be determined roughly according to the following table.  Assignment of grade will be based on the usual 90-80-70-60 scheme.
Exams (2) 40%
Labs 10%
Programs  25%
Final 25%

4.  Attendance policy:

You are expected to attend each lecture. The instructor reserves the right to withdraw you from the course for non-attendance (see Undergraduate Bulletin, 2001-2002, pp. 40, Class Attendance).  Attendance at labs is mandatory. Most labs, will have an assignment to complete during the lab.
5.  Required Course Materials:
Text:  Java software solutions, foundations of program design, 3rd edition -- by Lewis & Loftus.  The text is bundled with Metrowerks CodeWarrior software and a Lab Manual.
Software: We will be using CodeWarrior, by Metrowerks.   It comes with the Lewis & Loftus text, and is available in our computer labs.
Supplies:  Several floppy disks. You will need these for storing your own files and for handing in program

6.  Makeup Exams:

Generally no makeup exams will be given;  If excused by your instructor, your grade for the missed exam will be the same grade that you receive on the final. The final must be taken at the scheduled time and place.