Research Day 2012 Friday, April 13th, 2012
Time | Room | Event |
9:00 | Hill Atrium | Breakfast |
9:45 | Mahler Auditorium | Intro and Welcome Heinz-Bernd Schüttler, Professor of Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy Interim Head, Department of Computer Science |
10:00 | Mahler Auditorium | Computing for Human Experience:
Semantics empowered Cyber-Physical, Social and Ubiquitous Computing
beyond the Web Amit Sheth, LexisNexis Ohio Eminent Scholar, Director Kno.e.sis Center, Computer Science & Engineering, Wright State University |
10:45 | Hill Atrium | Break |
11:00 | Mahler Auditorium | Big Data Analytics in the Cloud:
Opportunities and Challenges Ling Liu, Professor, Director Distributed Data Intensive Systems Lab College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology |
11:45 | Mahler Auditorium | Whoever knows the network best,
owns it! Gunter Ollmann, VP of Research, Damballa Inc |
12:30 | Hill Atrium | Buffet Lunch & Poster Session Join us for lunch, view graduate student research posters, and vote for the best poster. |