Dear CS Grad Students
On April 13th 2012, the CS Department will hold a Research Day
in the Georgia Center from 9-2:30 pm. Refreshments will be served.
This event will provide an opportunity for students to present
their research, whether complete or work-in-progress to CS faculty,
faculty from other UGA departments, university administrators,
industry representatives, visiting alumni and prospective students
The event will include keynote speeches, a poster session and competition.
Confirmed Speakers:
- Amit Sheth (Wright State University)
- Gunter Ollmann (Damballa Inc.)
- Ling Liu (Georgia Tech)
All graduate students are encouraged to participate by submitting and
presenting a poster. There won't be a separate demo competition.
However posters can be (optionally) accompanied by demos.
Visitors and faculty will vote for best poster and prizes will be awarded.
Prizes: (1st, 2nd, and 3rd for posters)
- First prize: $500 in travel funds for a student author to present
a paper at a conference.
- Second prize: $250 in travel funds for a student author to present
a paper at a conference.
- Third prize: $100 gift certificate at the University bookstore.
Note: travel funds to be used by June 1st, 2013.
How students can participate:
- Prepare and submit an interesting, informative, nicely designed,
and grammatically correct poster.
- Prepare and practice a brief "poster talk".
- Attend the event, circulate around to see what your fellow grad
students are doing, interact with visitors, and make a good impression.
Important Dates
- 3/13 (Mid-night): Demo intention to submit due.
Send an email to ugacs.resday@gmail.com, with the subject
line "2012 Demo Intent to Submit", and include
your demo title in the body of the message.
- 3/23 (Mid-night): Poster and abstract submissions due.
Be sure to use an appropriate font-size, layout, and color
scheme. Please do NOT try to cram a full paper onto a poster.
Please use no background or a very light background, and limit
the use of color (we are printing these ourselves on the
grad school printer and need to conserve printing supplies).
A template file is available here.
To submit:
- Name your poster file: Poster_YourSurname.ppt (insert
*your* surname)
- Create a plain text abstract containing:
- Your name
- Title of your poster
- 150 word abstract
- Send an email to ugacs.resday@gmail.com, with the subject
- if you submit a poster only: "2012 Poster YourSurname"
- if you submit a poster and a demo: "2012 Poster+Demo YourSurname"
include your abstract in the body of the message and attach your poster.
- 3/24 - 3/27 (Mid-night): Poster reviews.
- 3/29 (Mid-night): Final posters due.
4/13: Research Day